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Why we love our independent farmers!
Partnering with the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund for Giving Tuesday – and farmers’ market shopping tips...
Giving Tuesday for Detroit Abloom 💐
For Giving Tuesday’s global movement that encourages people to do good, we will be donating...
Eating bread when your tummy says no? Here's how digestive enzymes may help
An intro to enzymes and how they apply to mild gluten sensitivities, probiotics and even...
Why do you need vitamin K2 (MK-4)?
Our latest small batch supplement — Smidge® Australian Emu Oil — provides this critical nutrient from real...
Vitamins A, C and D get all the attention. Here’s why vitamin E deserves a spot on your plate.
New in! Smidge® Wheat Germ Oil liquid for a potent and natural food source of...
The healing journeys of our very own Smidge® owners
From their hearts to you, how Dan Corrigan, Karen Myers and Archie Welch overcame their...