4 ways Boron with Silica can naturally nourish your glowing skin

4 ways Boron with Silica can naturally nourish your glowing skin

Plus FAQs on this unique mineral blend derived from the earth that lends itself to beauty and wellness regimens 

We’re thrilled to introduce our latest small-batch supplement, a unique blend of naturally derived powerhouse minerals — boron and silica. 

Boron may be a less-explored mineral, but it offers significant health benefits, including aiding calcium metabolism for healthy bones, balancing hormones, and nourishing connective tissue.* The silica in this supplement gently enhances boron absorption and plays a crucial role in collagen production, contributing to vibrant skin, hair, and nails.* 

With so many supplements and wellness products to choose from, it can be challenging to understand how each one works and if it’s right for you and your family. So today we're answering some frequently asked questions about our Ionic Liquid Boron Silica Drops. 

To begin, we believe robust gut health and a real food diet are key to vibrant health. That's why we offer pure supplements to support the body’s remarkable healing abilities with essential nutrients that are challenging to obtain even from the best real foods.  

And maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails can start with what’s on your plate and extend to nutrient-rich supplements that the body recognizes as food — rather than relying solely on topical solutions from beauty aisles. 


Who takes Boron with Silica? 

Here’s a snapshot of who might consider adding these minerals to their health regimen: 

  • People who want to support their bones, connective tissues, hair, skin, and nails. 
  • Those who can’t swallow pills or want to adjust their boron dose easily. 
  • Folks who wish to add pure minerals to their real food diets. 
  • Anyone deficient in minerals. 


What are minerals? 

Minerals are micronutrients responsible for various bodily functions, including the creation of enzymes and hormones, and muscular function. Unlike vitamins, which are biologically active substances created by living organisms, minerals can be sourced from inert elements, like rocks. 


Why Boron mixed with Silica? 

Boron is notably supportive of bone health, which is essential as we age, because bones can become increasingly porous. Boron strengthens your skeleton and offers additional benefits such as: 

  • Enhancing the body’s use of calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium.* 
  • Supporting joint health and ease of movement.* 
  • Aiding mild wound healing.* 
  • Influencing the body’s use of estrogen and testosterone to support reproductive health.* 
  • Increasing serum levels of estradiol and calcium absorption in peri- and postmenopausal women.* 
  • Supporting brain electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory in elders.* 

As mentioned above. silica complements boron by supporting cartilage growth, collagen production, and healthy connective tissues, leading to healthy skin, hair, nails, and even teeth.*  

As we age, our silica levels drop, contributing to the physical effects, but silica helps balance optimal collagen and calcium levels through time.* 


Tell me more about Boron and Silica’s skin and beauty benefits 

Boron with silica supports the hair, skin, and nails beautifully — no pun intended. 😊 

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties: Boron’s anti-inflammatory properties may help ease skin redness, irritation, and inflammation, potentially benefiting conditions like mild acne, eczema, and psoriasis.*
  2. Would healing: Boron aids in mild wound healing by promoting tissue repair.*
  3. Collagen production: Silica is essential for collagen production, maintaining skin elasticity, and supporting skin hydration.
  4. Detox and overall skin health: Silica supports wound healing, detoxification, and also reduces mild inflammation, all contributing to overall skin health.* 


What foods contain boron and silica? 

Here’s a list of whole foods that contain boron and silica, so you know where to get these nutrients in your real food diet.  


  • Fruits like apples, pears, prunes, raisins, grapes, oranges, avocados, plums. 
  • Veggies such as broccoli, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes.
  • Nuts and legumes, such as almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, and various types of beans.  
  • Whole grains like whole wheat and oats. 
  • Other foods, including honey, wine and coffee.  


  • Fruits, including bananas and apples (with skin). 
  • Vegetables like spinach, kale, cucumbers, and celery. 
  • Legumes like green beans and lentils. 
  • Whole grains such as oats and brown rice. 
  • Nuts and seeds, such as almonds and sunflower seeds. 
  • Certain seafood, like mussels. 

But here’s the rub with the potential amounts of these nutrients in our foods.  

Silica makes up 70% of the Earth's crust. However, when we harvest and process grains, removing seeds and hulls with machinery, most of the silica gets removed. So even though silica is abundant in our food, we’re not getting it because of the way we process the grains.  

And you can get boron from food, but only if it’s in the soil where the food is sourced (there's a lot of boron-rich soil in Death Valley and Israel). American soils are often depleted of natural minerals, because of commercial farming and chemicals, which means the boron is commonly depleted, too.  


What is Smidge® Boron Silica?


Smidge® Ionic Liquid Boron Silica Drops are well-absorbed and utilized in the body because they’re natural. So you don’t need much. 😊 

These pure, naturally derived ionized minerals are free of additives and common allergens. Our minerals are sourced from the earth, gently cleaned, and blended with deionized water, ensuring they disperse effectively. 

Unlike many commercially produced boron supplements, Smidge® contains no preservatives or synthetics, offering a clean, natural, highly bioavailable option for supporting your health and the skin you’re in. 


- This blog post was written by Smidge® product manager, Gana Wilson. Gana is a traditional naturopath and herbalist. Our blog was reviewed by Karen Myers, Smidge® co-founder and Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Learn more about Gana and Karen here! 

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