Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
244 Reviews

Infant Probiotic Powder

From €82,65
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
244 Reviews

Infant Probiotic Powder

A pure, gentle probiotic powder with seven clinically-proven strains naturally found in healthy babies to support developing digestive systems from the get-go. No fillers, common allergens or prebiotics.

  • 15 grams = 750 servings, 1.45 billion CFUs per serving
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Product Description

Introducing our gentle, yet potent Infant Probiotic powder, with the same GutPro® Infant formula you know and love. Created in small batches, especially for your baby's developing digestive system.

This pure, custom blend contains seven clinically-proven probiotic strains naturally found in healthy infants (and nothing else!) — to help colonize little intestines with beneficial bacteria from the start.

It may help with common baby digestive issues like colic, reflux (GERD), occasional mild diarrhea, constipation, and skin issues like mild rashes and eczema.* It also may ease irritability, providing satiation, lightness, and better rest for all of you.*

Comes with a handy dosage spoon so you can measure the perfect amount for your little nugget. 😉

Dosage Directions

Always start with a smidge! Use one Smidge® spoonful (20 mg). Take once a day, with food, or as directed by a certified healthcare practitioner. (See "low and slow" note below.)

Product comes with a dosage spoon.

Start low and slow: Our supplements are premium, pure and potent. Therefore, it's critically important to start slowly, with a lower dosage than recommended. For example, a minimal dose every other day, or even once a week, until you can determine how the supplement affects your body and what feels right for you.

How to take: Use your mini dosage spoon to accurately measure your desired dose of probiotic powder. You can sprinkle Smidge® Infant Probiotic on lukewarm or cold food. Or it can be mixed in breastmilk, formula, a smoothie or organic milk of choice. For toddlers and older children, the Infant Probiotic can be taken with an organic fat, like butter, ghee, emu oil or coconut oil. See dosage instructions above for more info.


Smidge® Infant Probiotic powder requires refrigeration for long-term storage. Keep away from moisture. Can be kept at room temperature for up to two weeks while traveling.

Price & Dosage Calculator

Use our dosage calculator to determine how long your product will last based on your household size.

One bottle of Infant Probiotic Powder will last your household approximately . The estimated price per dose is .

  • Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder front label
  • Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder rear label
  • Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder supplement facts
  • Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder with dosage spoon
  • Smidge® dosage spoon
  • 7 strains found in healthy infants

  • No fillers, additives or prebiotics

  • Free of common allergens

  • Non-GMO

  • Ideal beginner’s probiotic

  • Supports digestive health, skin, immunity, rest*

What does Infant Probiotic do?

We conceived this formula to help your baby develop a healthy microbiome and to balance digestion.*

Our customers use Smidge® Infant Probiotic for an array of reasons that rank high on the new-parent checklist:

  • To colonize their babies’ digestive tracts with beneficial bacteria and support immunity
  • To help with digestive issues such as colic, acid reflux (GERD), occasional diarrhea or constipation in their kiddies
  • For restful sleep and balancing mood*
  • Or even to soothe common skin issues, like mild rashes and eczema*

Thoughtful blend of beneficial strains to avoid negative reactions

Just as important, Smidge® Infant Probiotic does not contain certain strains (or prebiotics) found in many commercial brands that can cause histamine intolerance, d-lactic acidosis or other adverse reactions.

You also won’t find common allergens, additives or fillers.

Research, testing and feedback — from docs and parents like you

To give you even more peace of mind, we developed this clean Infant Probiotic blend following extensive research and feedback from doctors, certified health practitioners — and parents like you.

Our strains are non-GMO, tested for purity and banked in recognized microbial culture collections — so you only get safe, natural baby probiotics for your snuggly bundle of joy.

7 probiotic strains, with B. infantis

Our formula contains seven tested-and-true strains of human probiotics:

  • B. infantis
  • B. bifidum
  • B. breve
  • B. longum
  • B. lactis
  • L. gasseri
  • L. salivarius.

Bifidobacterium infantis, a strain that dominates in breastfed babies' intestines, comprises 50% of our formula, as studies show it supports a robust immune system, growth and healthy digestion.*

How probiotics can have a lifetime impact

Here's how probiotics can have a lifetime impact, according to published scientific studies:

  • The first bacteria to colonize an infant's gut affects the development of its digestive system. And healthy bacteria help babies develop a sophisticated, durable inner intestinal lining.*
  • Gut bacteria make it possible for babies to digest breast milk effectively, and gain the milk's full nutritional and microbial benefits.*
  • Probiotic bacteria can help babies transition to life outside the womb by supporting the immune system as it develops into a protective and well-regulated force.*
  • Probiotic bacteria have the intelligence to aid with diarrhea and constipation, by modulating and regulating water in the colon to provide regularity.*
  • Research on infant microbiomes and the brain reveals that a healthy gut is critical for developing a sharp, limber brain.*
  • Check out our ingredients section for more on the benefits of probiotics for babies.

Who can use Infant Probiotic?

While we created Smidge® Infant Probiotic for infants and tots (pitter patter!), teens, adults and seniors can use it too. Especially those with sensitive digestive systems, who want a balanced, gentle beginner’s formula.

And because it contains only pure probiotics (and absolutely no prebiotics), Smidge® Infant Probiotic works beautifully with real-food, dietary protocols, including:

GAPS, SIBO, Body Ecology,

Paleo, AIP, Ketogenic,
and gluten-free/casein-free/soy-free.*

(Please note that while this probiotic may be suitable for people on these diets, we do not claim it cures the health conditions that prompt the diets.)

Fed is best and all births are beautiful

We understand that fed is best. And we have many parents who aren’t able to breastfeed and choose to use Infant Probiotic for its additional beneficial bacteria. This is because B. Infantis comprises 50% of the formula, and its human milk oligosaccharides (energy sources) can help effectively digest and absorb carbs for babies not consuming breast milk.*

We also have new-parent customers who opt to give this supplement to their babes post- C-section, to replace commensal flora that may have been lost due to the procedure, antibiotics and baby's alternate route from the birth canal.*

What is in Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder?

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many strains does this formula have?

Our Infant Probiotic contains seven clinically-proven human probiotic strains (B. infantis, B. bifidum, B. breve, B. longum, B. lactis, L. gasseri and L. salivarius). Check out our ingredients section for more on the benefits of these probiotics for babies. 

We use only the highest-quality probiotic bacteria: All strains have been thoroughly researched, documented and banked in recognized microbial culture collections. And, our strains are non-GMO and tested for purity.

What strains were omitted from your Infant Probiotic, to avoid negative reactions?

We want nothing but gentleness for your baby. Smidge® Infant Probiotic does not contain certain strains found in other probiotics that can cause histamine intolerance, d-lactic acidosis or other adverse reactions.* This means no strains that produce d-lactate, no streptococcus thermophilus, no spore-forming strains; and only histamine-neutral and histamine-degrading strains. It also does not contain prebiotics.

Why is L. plantarum omitted?

No plants here. L. plantarum, a plant-based strain, is omitted in Smidge® Infant Probiotic because L. plantarum is a very potent strain that increases the potency of a probiotic formula. Because we wanted the infant formula to be less potent than the original Sensitive Probiotic powder, we did not include it.

Customers concerned about d-lactate production may also prefer the omission of L. plantarum as it produces a small amount of d-lactate. However, it's important to remember that it helps balance the production of L-lactate.

Does Smidge® Infant Probiotic contain prebiotics?

There are no prebiotics in Smidge® Infant Probiotic. This is because prebiotics like inulin and maltodextrin are often included in other commercial brands as fillers, yet can feed pathogens and cause negative reactions in people with sensitive digestive systems.

Breast milk already has its own unique prebiotics. And prebiotics have been added to infant formulas with beneficial effects. But bottom line, we want parents to be able to carefully develop their children's diets according to their unique situations.

Is the Infant Probiotic free of all additives?

Yes! Smidge® Infant Probiotic does not contain additives, common allergens or fillers. This means no excipients or other added ingredients, such as magnesium stearate, silica or titanium dioxide.

Is the Infant Probiotic free of common allergens?

Absolutely. Smidge® Infant Probiotic is free of common allergens. All strains are grown on a dairy-free, soy-free, vegetarian, non-GMO culture. It does not contain milk/casein, eggs, fish, shellfish, wheat/gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, yeast, corn or soy.

Is the Infant Probiotic freeze-dried or live?

Smidge® Infant Probiotic is comprised of freeze-dried bacteria. Old school probiotics contained live cultures that died in transit due to warm temperatures. Freeze-dried bacteria can withstand warmer temperatures during transit.

What kind of diet works best when taking Smidge® Infant Probiotic?

Our Infant Probiotic powder works best with a wholesome, real food diet for mom and baby. Think healthy fats, organic or raw milk, wild-caught fish, grass-fed meat, organic vegetables; and the elimination of GMOs, additives, preservatives, chemicals and processed sugar/flour.

Tell me more about the studies on B. Infantis.

B. Infantis is amazing! As we touched on in the ingredients section, Bifidobacterium infantis is prevalent in the GI tracts of breastfed babies, as it feeds on unique oligosaccharides found in breast milk that infants can't digest — leaving little room for unwanted bacteria and supporting a healthy digestive ecosystem.*

In a scientific study, moms and infants received a B. infantis preparation and lactation support from a week to three weeks after birth. The bacteria quickly established themselves in the babies, crowding out other gut bacteria associated with intestinal problems and immune-related conditions such as asthma, allergies and autoimmune disease.*

Meanwhile, another study discovered that nearly all babies born in developed nations (including the U.S.) no longer have B. infantis. It was hypothesized that an increase in cesarean sections, infant formula and antibiotics reduced this beneficial bacteria. This study stated that a stressed microbiome composition may lead to chronic inflammation and immune-mediated diseases, highlighting an increase in infant intestinal dysbiosis. T According to research noted in the same study, the good news is that remodeling of the gut microbiome in breastfed infants fed B. infantis improved gut function and ecosystem productivity.*

B. Infantis (as well as several other strains in the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium families) also produce folate, necessary for infant development and growth and red blood cell creation.*

Where are the ingredients in Smidge® Infant Probiotic sourced and where is the supplement made?

The strains in our baby probiotics are sourced and produced in the U.S. :)

Can you ship Smidge® Infant Probiotic powder in hot temperatures?

Yes! Smidge® Infant Probiotic (and all of our probiotics!) can be shipped when it's hot outside. Because it requires refrigeration, we only ship orders Monday through Wednesday using two-day premium shipping services, including tracking. We also have an overnight shipping option.

Smidge® probiotics are freeze-dried, so they hold up well to warm temperatures.

If a baby is breastfed, do they not need this product?

We know fed is best. 😊 Regardless of whether your baby is breastfeeding or takes her nourishment from the bottle, a premium infant probiotic can help colonize little intestines with beneficial bacteria from the start, and offer digestive comfort, regularity and immunity.*

Smidge® Infant Probiotic consists of 50% Bifidobacterium infantis, which dominates in breastfed babies' intestines. This is also beneficial for nursing mom to baby, because the amount of healthy bacteria baby receives is dependent on mom's diet and microbiome. And let's face it, new moms do all the things, so sometimes getting all four food groups in can be a feat, and therefore, we need probiotic supplementation (Plus, balanced gut bacteria make it possible for babies to digest breast milk effectively, and to gain the milk's full nutritional benefits.*)

See, newborns are exposed to their mother's bacteria when making their way down the birth canal. This kicks off the production of good and sometimes pathogenic bacteria in the baby's GI tract.

All of this means the right blend of beneficial bacteria — in the form of probiotic-rich foods and clean supplements — is the life force inside you and your little one. And gut flora is responsible for how your kiddies respond to almost everything, from their pitter-patter of little feet to their grown-up steps on their health journeys.

Customer Reviews

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
Based on 244 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 205 Total 4 star reviews: 17 Total 3 star reviews: 8 Total 2 star reviews: 2 Total 1 star reviews: 12
91%would recommend this product
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244 reviews
  • M
    Verified Buyer
    Infant Probiotic Powder
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    20 minutes ago
    Ordering again!

    This was the first Smidge product I purchased. It was for my baby at the time but now all of my young children are taking it daily! Everyone around us has been getting super sick this season but my kids haven’t gotta any of it! I attribute this partly to their daily probiotic supporting their gut and immune system :) the bottle lasts SUCH a long time. We’re finally getting the the bottom of it though and I will definitely be ordering more!

    S Profile picture for Smidge®
    24 seconds ago

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review, MJ! We're thrilled to hear that Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder has become a daily wellness essential for all your children. It's amazing that they've stayed strong through this tough season. Our probiotics work hard, but it sounds like your kids are little warriors too! And yes, that bottle really does last a long time, thanks to the pure, concentrated formula. We love that you're getting down to the last bit! We truly appreciate you being part of the Smidge® family. Wishing you and your kiddos continued health and happiness!

  • L
    Verified Buyer
    Infant Probiotic Powder
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    23 hours ago
    So far so good

    We purchased this probiotic powder for my 16m old son. He has severe eczma. We have tried over a month now and expected the improvement. We are not sure it's getting better or not but we trust and try to keep taking it. We will be back to update if we see any improvements!

    S Profile picture for Smidge®
    20 hours ago

    Thank you for sharing your experience and for trusting Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder for your little one’s journey! We know how challenging eczema can be, and we truly appreciate your patience as you give the probiotic time to support his gut health.

    Every child’s system is unique, and sometimes, changes happen gradually. If you haven’t already, starting with a low dose and increasing slowly may help, as well as pairing it with a meal that contains healthy fats for better absorption. We’d love to hear how things progress, so please keep us posted! Wishing your son comfort and wellness.

  • BP
    Benjamin P.
    Verified Buyer
    Infant Probiotic Powder
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 days ago
    Clearly Eczema

    Got this products to help my son’s eczema and it’s made a huge difference already. Hoping it continues to improve. We have only been using about 10 days so far and visible improvements! For months the skin was red, irritated, sometimes becoming raw, weepy, and bloody. Nothing else seemed to be helping, and we were just using things to try to help him tolerate the issue. Very very pleased with this probiotic so far!

    S Profile picture for Smidge®
    5 days ago

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review, Benjamin P.! We're thrilled to hear that our Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder is already making a noticeable difference for your son's eczema. We're hopeful you'll continue to see even more improvements in the days ahead. Wishing your little one continued healing and comfort!

  • JP
    Jennifer P.
    Verified Buyer
    Infant Probiotic Powder
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 weeks ago

    Our 3 month old had terrible eczema and we saw a HUGE improvement within a week. We started slow and he had some spit up for a few days after taking it, but now he tolerates it well and his eczema is almost completely gone after taking it for less than 2 weeks. Can’t recommend it enough!!

    S Profile picture for Smidge®
    2 weeks ago

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review, Jennifer P.! We're thrilled to hear that your little one's eczema has improved significantly with Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder. It’s great that starting slow helped with tolerance, and we appreciate you highlighting the positive impact it has had in just a short time. Wishing you and your baby continued health and happiness!

  • BB
    Barbara B.
    Verified Buyer
    Infant Probiotic Powder
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 weeks ago

    This stuff is amazing, I give it to my 5week old and it helps her have regular bowel movements since she's on formula. Definitely recommend

    S Profile picture for Smidge®
    3 weeks ago

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review, Barbara! We're so happy to hear that Smidge® Infant Probiotic Powder is helping your little one stay regular and comfortable. We appreciate your recommendation and are grateful to be a part of your baby's wellness journey. Wishing your precious little one continued digestive comfort and wellness!